الأحد، 25 أبريل 2010

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

List of verbs that might be helpful when you are creating outcomes for your program or course

Knowledge Outcomes: arrange, define, label, list, match,
name, recognize, relate, repeat

Comprehension Outcomes: describe, discuss, explain,
identify, indicate, report, restate, select, tell

Application Outcomes: apply, demonstrate, dramatize,
illustrate, interpret, operate, practice, solve, use

Analysis Outcomes: analyze, appraise, compare, contrast,
criticize, differentiate, distinguish, examine,

Synthesis Outcomes: arrange, assemble, compose,
construct, create, design, formulate, prepare,

Evaluation Outcomes: appraise, assess, estimate, evaluate, judge, predict, rate, support

[From Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, by Benjamin
S. Bloom, David McKay Company (1968)]

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