الأحد، 25 أبريل 2010

Prose: government of verbs

Prose: government of verbs

Suzanne didn't know which subjects to study at university,
so she asked her teachers to suggest some options.
They advised her not to specialise too early,
and warned her that some university courses were very theoretical.
If she insisted on finding a practical course,
it might prevent her from being offered a place.
They persuaded her to phone the university to get more information.
A professor invited her to come for an interview,
and he explained that she'd be forced
to do some theoretical work in the first year,
or she wouldn't be allowed to continue, but
they would encourage her to develop her practical skills too.
This was a problem that her teachers had talked about,
but she hadn't had time to think about it.
She thanked the professor and told him
the interview would help her to make up her mind.

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