الأحد، 25 أبريل 2010


1. Complete the following sentences using can/ could / be able to (some sentences are negative). All tenses may be used.
• ‘…………………………….. you stand on your head?’
‘ I ……………….. when I was at school but I ………………… now’.
• When I pass my driving test, I …………………………….………. hire a car from our local garage.
• When I was a child I ………………………………… understand adults, and now that I’m an adult I …………………….. understand children.
• He was very strong; he ……………………………… ski all day and dance all night.
• The car plunged into the river. The driver …………………………………….. get out but the passengers were drowned.
• We …………………………………… borrow some umbrellas; so we didn’t get wet.

2. Write sentences using may or might which express the following:
• It’s possible that they are leaving Paris now
• Can I be of any help to you?
•Perhaps they are waiting for us now
• There’s a chance that the restaurant is open now
• If it is warm, perhaps we will go on a picnic
• It’s possible that he left his car at home
• Is it possible to use your telephone?
• It is possible that he was ill yesterday

3. Fill in the blanks with the positive or negative form of may / might + infinitive or may / might + have + past participle
• They …………………………………………….….. (visit) their aunt next Sunday.
• I can’t see my keys. I ………………………………….. (leave) them in the house.
• ‘Do you know if he is coming?’ ‘I’m not sure. He ………………………………….. (not come) if it rains.
• John hasn’t replied to my letter. That’s unusual. He ………………………………….. (not receive) it.

4. Paraphrase the following sentences using : have to, must, need, must’n, needn’t.
• I know all the test material. It’s not necessary to study any more.
•It’s important that you arrive on time.
• We can’t tell him the truth under any circumstances.
•School rules insist on uniform at all times.
• It was necessary to warn him on several occasions.
•It isn’t necessary to buy me a present.

5.Rewrite each situation with can, can’t, will be able to or won’t be able to.
• It’s impossible for me to go to your house now.
• This exercise is too difficult for Tony.
• Sheila is really good at singing.
• It’ll be too expensive to travel to space for our holidays in the future.
•It will be easy for me to pass the test next month.

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